Choir Wrangler (1)

An efficient and well-organized movement of choristers is critical to the professionalism of any City Choir concert or larger run-out performance.

Working with the Performance Co-Ordinator and Directors, this position is responsible for optimizing chorister placement in advance of performances, and ensuring efficient on/off processions.

  • Will work closely with the Performance Co-Ordinator to make sure the performance space is prepared for the choir (including risers & chairs, as necessary)
  • Will work closely with the Directors to finalize optimum chorister placement (based on space, voice & sight-line circumstances). Note: Directors will re-arrange positions of singers as necessary, and Choir Wrangler will create the line-up.
  • Prepare and coordinate singers in advance of each performance to execute the entry & exit strategies.

If you are interested in this position, please email