Performance Co-Ordinators (1 per performance)

City Choir performances are an integral part of our mandate. In order to ensure a well-run and enjoyable performance, a central point person is required.

Working with The Planning Committee (PComm) and other volunteers, this position will co-ordinate all aspects of a set performance (run-out or self-produced concert).

  • Will operate under event parameters set by the PComm, including date, location, budget and any other significant aspects at the time of briefing
  • On run-out performances, will work with external contacts to co-ordinate City Choir performance details, and ensure that appropriate communications are sent to participating choristers
  • Will use existing PComm members to support the project to ensure work efficiency (e.g., member communications and marketing), and keep the PComm informed throughout the process via email and during regular monthly PComm meetings (if needed).

If you are interested in this position, please email