Winter Concert 2016 – This Shining Night

Event Details

City Choir presents This Shining Night
A bright-hearted concert

Tuesday Dec. 13, 2016

7:00pm Doors Open & Bake Sale
7:30pm Concert

Formerly St. Peter’s Church
188 Carlton Street, Toronto

Pay What You Can
Suggested Donation $10 – $20
Wheelchair accessible

Directors :
Gregory Oh
John Millarl
Patricia O’Callaghan
Suba Sankaran
Waleed Abdulhamid

Join us for a family-friendly holiday concert, where City Choir will take you on a musical journey from darkness to light. Lead by globe-trotting, supremely talented artists (choir directors), we will feature performances by our directors and the full choir, completed with a bake sale of delicious homemade pastries.