
We have closed the registration for joining our 2025 winter/spring semester (starting in February) when we reached our capacity limit. Our next semester will begin in September 2025 and the registration will be open again in July or August. Thanks for your interest. — February 7, 2025.

To join City Choir for the 2025 winter/spring session starting February 4th, 2025, please click at this online Registration Form. Please be reminded that returning members must register again for the coming semester.

We regret to inform you that we have had to close registration for this Fall session. Please consider joining the choir in 2025! The registration form for the winter/spring session will be posted in the new year. Thank you for your understanding – sing with you soon!  – October 4, 2024

Our new semester in Fall, 2024 will begin on Tuesday September 10th, if you are interested in joining City Choir for this semester, please fill out this Online Registration Form. Returning members must register again for the coming semester.

City Choir Summer Concert
Tuesday June 11, 2024
At Dixon Hall
188 carlton Street, Toronto
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert
Pay What You Can:
Cash at the door.
Wheelchair accessible at side door (building’s north east corner)

City Choir Spring Cabaret
Tuesday April 9, 2024. 7:30pm
At Ground Control
1279 Queen Street West, Toronto
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Cabaret
Pay What You Can:
Cash at the door.
Free snacks. Cash bar.
Wheelchair accessible.

Our current semester has started on February 6th, 2024 and we no longer accept new members for this semester.  If you are interested in joining City Choir, you are welcome to join our next semester in the fall starting in September, 2024. Online registration form usually will be available in July or August.

City Choir Concert Winter 2023

Turn the World Around
Winter Concert 2023

Tuesday December 12

Dixon Hall
188 Carlton Street, Toronto
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert

Pay What You Can: Cash at the door.
Wheelchair accessible.

This night some stars will be shining in-
house as City Choir showcases a stellar
repertoire of diverse tunes from around
our planet. Let’s be carried away by our
directors’ original compositions and
galactic covers; let’s chart our course
through the universe of perfect harmony!

Better Space

City Choir Cabaret

Tuesday November 7, 2023

Ground Control – Live Music Venue + Cocktail Lounge

We have started our Fall 2023 session in September. We always welcome returning and new members to join us in our in-person rehearsals in downtown Toronto.

<pWorld Harmony – Concert

Tuesday June 6, 2023

Dixon Hall, 199 Carlton Street, Toronto

Pay what you can at the door

New Members Welcome!

City Choir Spring Cabaret is SOLD OUT.

Tuesday April 4, 2023

Buddies In Bad Times Theatre

12 Alexander Street, Toronto

7:00pm Doors
Open7:30pm Concert
Pay What You Can. Cash at the door.Refreshments. Cash bar.
Masking is encouraged.
Wheelchair accessible.

March 1, 2023

We have now closed the Member Registration for the Winter/Spring 2023 semester. Thank you for your interest.

We welcome new members for the Winter/Spring 2023 semester, which will start on February 7th, 2023. Please visit our Join Us page to fill out an online Member Registration Form.

Choir Concert 2022

Click at poster to enlarge

Still We Sing – Winter Concert

Dixon Hall

188 Carlton Street, Toronto
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert





In-Person Rehearsal 

We continue to meet in-person for rehearsals for the Winter Semester 2022. Safety protocols such as mask and distancing are not mandatory but highly encouraged.

In-Person Rehearsal 

We are planning to return to in-person rehearsals and performances starting on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

Masks and Distancing

We ask all members to wear a mask at our in-person rehearsals. We will have other safety protocols in place for in-person rehearsals including distancing (the space has lots of room to spread out) and opening the doors at break to provide fresh air.

New Members Welcome!

We welcome new members for the Spring 2022 semester, which will start on February 8th, 2022. Please visit our Join Us page to fill out an online ‘Member Registration Form’.

Starlight Starbright – City Choir Holiday Concert 2021
December 21, 2021. 7:30 p.m. On Zoom.

Quotes from members after the concert:

Oh so lovely, the friendships and care and music and community!
– Barb

“The choir has been an absolute boon for us, and made getting through the pandemic much better and easier than it would otherwise have been.
– Byron and Susan

Time to celebrate the fall season with music and joy!

City Choir Cabaret – Tuesday, November 23, 2021 – 7:30pm on Zoom

Free Admission. Limited Space.

RSVP to:

City Choir invites you to join our upcoming virtual Fall 2021 Cabaret showcase. Besides choir songs, individual members will perform as solos and small ensembles. Not to mention some of our several talented professional choir directors’ live performances.

City Choir Fall 2021 session starts Tuesday, September 21.

We are excited to again offer a rich online choral experience for the Fall 2021 season using Zoom and Jamulus (optional). Yes, we will sing online with Zoom but with the added pleasure, using Jamulus, of singing together, hearing and responding to each other, and making delightful harmonies in real time.


Come celebrate with us! We have been making music together for 10 years.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 – City Choir welcomes new members to its spring 2020 session.

City Choir welcomes new members to its spring 2020 session starting Tuesday, February 11, 2020.

Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 9 pm
The Dixon Hall 188 Carlton St., Toronto (East of Sherbourne St.)


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 – I know the way to a peachy winter concert

City Choir Winter Concert

Dixon Hall, 188 Carlton St., Toronto

7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert

Wheelchair accessible (back entrance)

Pay What You Can. Suggested Donation $10-$20 (cash only)



Tuesday, October 22, 2019 – City Choir Fall Cabaret

7:30 PM at Eton House, 710 Danforth Ave.
(one block east of the Pape subway station)

Pay What You Can. Suggested Donation $10-$20






Concert Schedule for May and June, 2019

SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival
May 26 – Mass Choir Concert at the Young People’s Theatre, 165 Front St. East

City Choir Summer Concert







June 4 at Dixon Hall, 188 Carleton Street (Carleton and Sherbourne)

Luminato 2019
June 23 – Maada’ookii Songlines choral event at Harbourfront Centre, Lakeside

Tuesday, April 16, 2019 – City Choir Spring Cabaret

7 – 9 PM at the Drake Underground, 1150 Queen St. West, Toronto
Pay What You Can. Suggested Donation $10-$20
Not wheelchair accessible.






Tuesday, February 19, 2019 – New, one-time rehearsal location

For registered members:
Our rehearsal space at Dixon Hall is being used for a film shoot this week. Therefore, this upcoming Tuesday, February 19th we will be holding our rehearsal at:
Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls Clubs
Miles & Kelly Nadal Youth Centre
101 Spruce Street,
2nd floor Performance Room
The building is located on the south west corner of Spruce Street and Sumach street, one block north of Gerrard Street.

City Choir welcomes new members for the spring of 2019.

New semester starts February 5, 2019.
Tuesdays from 6:50pm to 9pm
@ The Dixon Hall 188 Carlton St., Toronto (East of Sherbourne St.)

To join City Choir, please register at


City Choir 2018 Winter ConcertTuesday, December 11, 2018 – Cakes and Ale

City Choir Winter Concert

Dixon Hall, 188 Carlton St., Toronto

7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert

Pay What You Can. Wheelchair accessible.

Click at poster to enlarge.

Saturday, November 24, 2018 – Cabbagetown Holiday Kick Off
Noon – 3pm
Outdoor at the intersection of Parliament Street and Carlton Street, Toronto

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 – FALL For You

City Choir Fall Cabaret
CSI Annex, 720 Bathurst St, Toronto
Pay What You Can. Suggested Donation $10-$20
Wheelchair accessible.

Click at flyer to enlarge.

City Choir welcomes new members for the fall of 2018.

New semester start September 11, 2018.
Tuesdays from 6:50pm to 9pm
@ The Dixon Hall 188 Carlton St., Toronto (East of Sherbourne St.)

To join City Choir, please register at

We invite you to join us to welcome the gifts of summer and song. The fresh greens of June and the joyful song choices of our five fabulous Directors combine to create a concert of sound and colour. From American traditional songs to original music, come celebrate with us. Bring cash for our gift baskets draw!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 – Nature’s Gifts
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert

@ The Dixon Hall 188 Carlton St., Toronto (East of Sherbourne St.)

Pay What You Can. Suggested $10-$20
Wheelchair Accessible (side door)

We invite you to join us to welcome the gifts of summer and song. The fresh greens of June and the joyful song choices of our five fabulous Directors combine to create a concert of sound and colour. From American traditional songs to original music, come celebrate with us. Bring cash for our gift baskets draw!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 – Gifts of Spring – a Cabaret at The Tranzac Club
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Cabaret

292 Brunswick Ave., Toronto (Spadina Subway)

Pay What You Can. Suggested $10-$20
Cash bar. Wheelchair accessible.

December 12, 2017 – Those Who Sing
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert

At Dixon Hall, 188 Carlton St., Toronto.

Pay What You Can. Suggested $10-$20
Wheelchair Accessible (back door)

May 16, 2017 – Hope
7:00pm Doors Open
7:30pm Concert

At Dixon Hall, 188 Carlton St., Toronto.

Pay What You Can. Suggested $10-$20
Wheelchair Accessible (back door)

April 5, 2017 – Spring Acoustic Cabaret from 7 to 9 p.m.

The City Choir Spring 2017 Cabaret will be Wednesday, April 5 in the “Garage” space at the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) Annex, 720 Bathurst St. (just south of Bloor).

The evening will run from 7 to 9 p.m., the cost will be PWYC at the door (with suggested donation $10-$20), and there will be a cash bar.

Everyone can enjoy this fun event. The full choir will perform selected pieces and many small ensembles of choir members will perform musical numbers of their own in this friendly, relaxed setting.

There will also be performances by our fabulous globe-trotting choir directors and guest director Dylan Bell.

Be sure to tell friends and family to come out for a great music-filled evening!

Graciously Sponsored by the Centre for Social Innovation

shining-night-flyerDecember 13, 2016 – This Shining Night

At the formerly St. Peter’s anglican Church, 188 Carlton St., Toronto.

Pay What You Can. Suggested $10-$20

city-choir-cabaret-2016-smOctober 26, 2016 – Cabaret Goes Underground – At The Drake
8pm, at The Drake Underground, 1150 Queen Street West, Toronto.
Pay What You Can. Suggested $10-$20

August 8, 2016

A new season is about to begin!

Have you had a song filled summer? Are you looking forward to the start of a glorious new season with City Choir?

A big welcome to all new members who will be joining our merry band of choristers this year. In a few weeks our five fabulous choir directors will be bringing their talent, enthusiasm and energy to guide us all through another semester of singing. It is such a joy to begin this annual journey together.

As always at this time we ask returning members to spread the word, to urge potential new members to take in our first couple of rehearsals and experience the joy of singing with City Choir.

August 8, 2016

Remember When – City Choir sings at the Duke on April 26, 2016

A big thank you to the choir members and organizers who made that evening such a memorable event. And thanks to all choir members, past and present, who performed with such enthusiasm in all our past events. It is this kind of participation that makes City Choir such a wonderful community to be part of.

City Choir Freedom Concert

May 31, 2016

Freedom is a Voice – City Choir Spring Concert

Location: St. Peter’s Anglican Church
188 Carlton Street, Toronto

Pay What You Can. Suggested Donation $10-$20
Wheelchair accessible

Join us for a family-friendly concert. We will sing songs that reflect the musical moods of a new spring. Songs of freedom, childhood and love. Directed by our five globe-trotting, supremely talented artists (choir directors), we will feature the full choir and special ensembles.


May 14, 2016

City Choir at SING! Festival

Little Trinity Anglican Church, 425 King Street – Toronto, ON
Noon – 12:45pm Workshop with Suba
2 – 3:20pm Sing-along with Suba
4pm – 5pm Choir performance with Suba

City Choir Cabaret at the Duke

Apr 26/2016 – City Choir Cabaret at The Duke. 7:30pm

Location: The Duke, 1225 Queen Street East, Toronto

PWYC. Suggested donation $10-$20

May 31/2016 – City Choir Annual Concert at the St. Peter’s, 188 Carlton St., Toronto

Save the date now! Location: near Sherbourne Street. Details coming soon.

Mar 9/2016

If you beCity Choir 2016 FWYC Red Donate Buttonlieve in the power of music and would like to support the work of City Choir, please consider making a personal donation to our online Fund What You Can campaign.

Click the red DONATE button to visit the site, and make your donation today!


Apr 2/2016 – City Choir Evening Social

Save the date now! Location: near Parliament and Gerrard. Details in event calendar.

Feb 19/2016

City Choir on CBC as part of the Apocalypsis at the Luminato Festival in 2015.

Feb 2/2016 – start date for new semester

City Choir welcomes new members for the coming spring semester. Men are encouraged to join in particular. We need more tenor and bass voice at this point.

Winter Wonder Concert - City Choir

Dec 8/2015 – Winter Wonder Holiday Concert

Over 200 people joined City Choir in celebrating our Toronto winter, with celebratory songs from around the world. The night included performances by all five choir directors, the full choir, a raffle and a bake sale. City Choir thanks our directors, our audience and St. Peter’s Anglican Church for a wonderful, winter evening of song. Photos

Cabaret at Drake2NOV 3/2015 – Cabaret Goes Underground – At The Drake

The Drake Underground. Photos by Alex Rice. Photos by Ed Hanley.

SEPT 15/2015 – C2015 05 19 - Stretching 3ity Choir Fall Semester starts, and it’s about time!

St. Peter’s Anglican Church

JULY 5/2015 – City Choir Sings At Aga Khan Museum & Ismaili Centre

More than 20 of our City Choir members sang at the Aga Khan Museum and Ismaili Centre. Sure, it was a really hot day, but that was “no sweat” for City Choir choristers who enjoyed the opportunity to share songs from around the world in these two truly amazing places. More photos

2015 06 17 Luminato RehearsalJUNE 26-28/2015 – City Choir Survives Luminato’s Apocalypsis

City Choir members were part of the mixed chorus that sang in the first half of Luminato’s epic musical voyage Apocalypsis, written by Canadian great R. Murray Schafer. City Choir would like to thank conductor David Fallis & director Lemi Ponifasio, as well as our rehearsal conductor Dallas Bergen. Also, we applaud the many other performers & choirs who made this performance a truly once-in-a-lifetime experiences for us! More photos

Summer Night Concert FlyerJUNE 16/2015 – Summer Night Songs Concert

City Choir celebrated the start of the summer season with a concert that featured music from around the world: from the shimmery banks of the Delta, across the warmer continent of Africa to steamy Indian nights. The concert ended with Grease’s classic Summer Nights, featuring our very own Danny & Sandy! More photos